Tuesday, September 12, 2006

An Average Tuesday Afternoon

Tuesday is folder day, when the school sends home all of the crap that needs to be filled out and returned. Technically, this is now quadruple the task it was last September because I have one extra kid with filling-out-crap requirements and one less husband to help with said filling-out-crap requirements. I tell you this only so you will know why the kids were outside unattended and came rushing to the screen door.

Lauren: Marty, I’m going to ring the doorbell.

Marty: Mommy!

Mommy: What is it guys?




Mommy: Guys, what’s the…


So I abandon the pile of crap and make my way to the kitchen door where Lauren and Marty are waiting.

Lauren: Mommy, there is a bug on Aislinn’s head and she’s afraid it might kill her.

Marty: Yeah, and Lauren too.

Mommy: What?

I walk out to the front lawn where Aislinn was supposedly raking leaves, and rather than running around in a panic or shivering in a state of shock, she is rather nonchalantly spinning her rake around, until she saw me and realized it was show time.

Mommy: Come here.

Aislinn (with a look of weepy distress): There was a bug on my head and it really hurt.

Lauren: Aislinn, it might be a tick

Mommy: I don't see anything.

Aislinn: Well, it might be gone now but it really hurt. MOMMY!!! NOW IT’S ON YOUR HEAD!! AHHHH! I THINK IT IS A BABY DRAGONFLY!!

Mommy (shaking my head and brushing it with both hands): Is it off?

Aislinn: NO!!!

Mommy: Is it out now?


Mommy: Now?

Aislinn: NO!!!!

Mommy: Well, where is it? Can you show me?

Aislinn: Well actually, it’s just flying around your head. Can you help me with my roller skates?

So here are the roller skates, and the new play shorts. Perhaps a step down from the Von Trapp children's curtain play clothes, but they'll probably last for years.

Marty was experimenting to determine how the chalk looked after it was wet. Seconds later we had a heated debate after I told him to stop drinking that water.

They may be loony toons, but at least they all like each other. And now they can all eat dinner on the same side of the table, as if they are on their own TV show.


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