Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Kindergarten Insomnia

Aislinn took a nap every afternoon until the day before she started kindergarten. She needed a nap, and I needed her to take one. I attempted to follow the same pattern with Lauren, but she gave up her nap when she was three and three months old because I couldn't take the nonstop debate that ensued every afternoon at one o'clock. Also, since she has always been able to amuse herself and leave me alone for sometimes an hour at a time, I decided I'd get a good enough break even if she didn't nap. The main advantage of our arrangement was that she would fall into a coma 2 minutes after bedtime, which is when I really Really REALLY don't want to see my children anymore.

So last night, after her first grueling day of kindergarten, imagine my surprise that at 9:15 (an hour and 15 minutes after bedtime) she was still awake and wandering out to the living room to see what I was doing, forcing me to get off the couch and parent (the mean way). She kept telling me she wasn't comfortable, even though she had tried 5 different places to sleep (the head and foot of her bed, the head and foot of Aislinn's bed, and the floor). I spent most of today trying to figure out how she was getting by on so little sleep.

Tonight at dinner, I found out. Yesterday I heard a little story about how Aislinn got very upset on the bus after school because Lauren was not on it yet. She jumped off the bus and went to find her sister (in a big sisterly way that I have raved about and praised her for continuously). Today, I heard the rest of the story from Lauren. Apparently that rest mat that I bought (the 2 inch one rather than the 1 inch one) is so amazingly comfortable, that Lauren fell into a coma during rest time. She slept right on through wake up time, get ready to leave time, and get on the bus time. She was the reason her class was late for the bus. She fell asleep today too, but not as long (in fact she was the worried one on the bus looking for her sister today).

I never asked if she had fallen asleep at rest time, because I never would have ever thought she would. When I was looking at the mats at Walmart, I decided on the 2 inch one because I figured she'd be rolling around for the whole half hour. Now I find out she's too comfortable. And yet her pricey bunkbed at home is apparently uncomfortable.

Damn that 2 inch rest mat.


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