Monday, July 31, 2006

What is the Perfect Way to Accessorize a Burn on Your Hand? More Burns of Course!

During one of our many stints of great parenting last week Marty touched the end of sparkler that had just fizzled out (yes we give sparklers to our two year old, I told you, we're great parents) and received a very gross blistering burn across his thumb and two first fingers. Early yesterday morning I found Lauren and Marty gathered around a lamp on the floor.

What Lauren said: Feel this, the light bulb isn't hot.

What I said: I know that light bulb is cool now, but when you turn the lamp on, it will get hot. Please don't touch the lightbulb again, because you can't always tell whether it is hot or not.

What Marty heard: blah blah LIGHT BULB IS COOL, blah blah TURN THE LAMP ON, blah blah blah, TOUCH THE LIGHT BULB AGAIN blah blah blah.

What I heard: WWAAAAAAHHHH!!!!!!


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