Monday, July 03, 2006

And the Winner Is...

Grandpa, although it was a rather anticlimactic contest since Lauren never appeared for breakfast. By the time I finally got her to go eat something, she stopped at the top of the stairs and called "Grandpa, are you ready for the contest?" but Grandpa had already eaten his coffee cake. When I asked her about it later, she said "We decided to forget about the contest?" but she did concede defeat since she did not actually finish her piece of coffee cake before we went to the beach.

We hit the sand by 9:45 this morning, an all-time record, beating even the lifeguards to a spot by the ocean. Our good luck continued with schools of fish swimming by and leaping in the sun, possibly to escape the school of dolphins that was swimming along and eating them. The dolphins hung around so long, that all the beachgoers had turned back to their buckets and french fries before the show was over. A few pelicans stopped by to check on the action too, but by then the fish had wisely retreated to deeper water.

Good behavior continues, with only minor complaining arising to meet the news that today there would be no snow cones. The consolation prize met with almost as much enthusiasm as snow cones? Big carrots. Those three kiddies? A little nuts.


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