Sunday, June 25, 2006

Would That Be Alright???? Are You Kidding????

While we lived in Kentucky, we began to suspect that their was something in the HP's secret Army file that prompted the Army to surround our house with chaplains. In Kentucky, we had 3 chaplains in the surrounding houses, and here in Virginia we have 4. However, none of those chaplains has ever, ever, had any interest in interacting with us. I think that when they put on their special chaplain glasses, they see a big picture of the pope on our front door, so they know we will not be coming to their revivals or Protestant Women of the Chapel bible groups.

Here are a few stats of my interaction with the chaplains here:

# of chaplains within 1 block: 4

# of chaplains that introduced themselves to me (or at least waved): 0

# of chaplains' wives that introduced themselves to me (or at least waved): 1

# of chaplains that saw an 11-month-old baby pick up a beer in my drive way: 2

I began to have a bit of a grudge against these chaplains. I didn't want them to come to my house and talk Bible to me, but couldn't they at least be friendly or even neighborly?

That is, I had a grudge until today. Today, all is forgiven. Today the chaplain across the street saw me outside and then ran over to introduce himself, shake my hand, and speak the most wonderful words I've heard in a long time: "I was just about to fire up my riding mower to mow my grass, and I would love to mow your grass this afternoon. Would that be alright?"


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