Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Applause, Applause for Super Mommy!!

Aislinn started an 8-day summer enrichment program/camp today. Here is my list of accomplishments:

I got everyone home from the beach and in bed by 8:30 last night!

I got out the map and preplanned our route to the school where the camp is held!

I picked out clothes for everyone and laid them out for easy dressing!

I woke up early and got breakfast ready!

I located the paperwork to find out if she needed to take anything with her on her first day of camp!

...Which unfortunately was yesterday.

This is a glaring example of the sort of thing that would never happen if the HP was home. He would have read and reread and summarized and timelined and filed the information they sent us. I looked at the one place where the date was noted wrong (actually, half wrong - Tuesday June 21) and convinced myself that they really meant Wednesday. Upon closer inspection, every other paper lists the dates correctly, but I managed to overlook them. Oh well, better luck next year (if they let us back in).


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