Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Marty Is Not A Passy Boy

This weekend I forgot to bring Marty's pacifier with us, mainly because he only uses it in bed, and since I only think 10 minutes into the future, I never considered what would happen at bedtime. About halfway to the beach I remembered it, but I thought I had left one there, and put it out of my mind until bedtime, when I realized I had not left one there.

He naps without it at daycare, so decided to see if he could manage without it, and he did. This morning he told his Grandma and Grandpa "I'm a big boy without a passy," and they wholeheartedly agreed. I knew it wasn't completely over, but tonight when we got home and he said "I want my passy," with a smirk on his face, i realized he knew that the passy issue was settled. And it is.

He took some extra stuffed doggie friends to bed with him to keep him company, but when I said goodnight to him, he said (as always) "Where are you going?" and I replied (as always) "I'm going to say goodnight to your sisters." And that was the end of it. I heard him singing and playing the way he always does. Even though he looks just the way he did when we left on Friday, now he is a big boy.

So let's take a minute to remember baby Marty.

Holy Moly, who is that kid?


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