Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Lauren's Long Day

In order to enroll in kindergarten in Virginia, the little kiddies must undergo a medical evaluation that probably dwarfs the one given to potential astronauts. As if the poking and prodding at the doctor weren't enough, here is what Lauren went through today:

7:30 am: Awakened from sound sleep to get ready to take Aislinn to camp

8:00 am: Strapped into car seat for 40 minute round trip to Aislinn's camp

9:00 am: Turned loose in the playroom, but warned to keep shoes on for return to camp

9:30 am: Strapped into car seat for 40 minute round trip to Aislinn's camp

10:20 am: Turned loose in the playroom, but warned to keep shoes on for Marty drop off at 11:00

11:00 am: Strapped into car seat for trip to drop off Marty and then to the Commissary where she is rewarded for her patience with one green bean

12:30 am: Returned home for lunch, bullied into a fingernail trim, allowed to remove shoes, but warned that we will be leaving for her checkup at 1:20

1:20 pm: Strapped into car seat for trip to doctors

1:40 - 3:15 pm: Weighed, measured, checked, poked (two shots in one leg, one in the other), prodded (blood draw), puzzled (peeing in a cup) and finally released to be strapped in the car seat once again to go pick up Marty

3:30 pm: Fed Motrin and a pink frosted cookie, allowed to go outside and ride bike

3:40 pm: Bonked in the head by padlock which she was attempting to remove from the shed that held her bike

4:00 pm: Stepped on by Marty on the trampoline

4:30 pm: Stubbed toe while running through sprinkler

5:30 - 7:55 pm: Bathed, fed, and put to bed, audibly sighing with relief when she finally falls asleep


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