Sunday, June 25, 2006

Dear Busch Gardens,

There is a situation at your merry-go-round that requires immediate attention. No, the horses are not wobbly and the speed is not too dizzy, but I'm afraid that your merry-go-round operator is both. She is the kind of weird that makes people want to run all the way back across Europe in search of sanity and a drink.

While waiting our turn for the merry-go-round, the ride came to a stop, and the people started to get off. Then the operator chastized them via her microphone for not waiting until the bell rang, as directed by the prerecorded announcement. She then restarted the ride, because it wasn't really over, she had just wanted to see if the people had been listening to the safety announcement. The bell is in her control, so in her mind, she could stop the ride and people would have to sit on the horses for the rest of the day if she never rang the bell.

Call me crazy, but the average park goer, who is spending a minimum of 50 dollars a person for fun, is not looking for testing while they are riding on the merry-go-round.

When the ride was actually over and the people cleared off, she was going on and on rather loudly about how "people don't listen to the safety announcement, people just don't pay any attention, people aren't doing what the rules say." Oh, and her little diatribe? Was all but drowning out the safety announcement that she claimed everyone was violating.

On our turn she did the same stop in the middle, which was annoying enough since it was the first ride we'd managed to get on, but not as annoying as everything else she was doing.

She kept stopping the music and saying "Britney...I want that hat Britney...I'm coming for that hat Britney..." over and over again - calliope then "Britney..." calliope then "I want that hat."

How many people like merry-go-round music? Everyone. There is a reason all merry-go-rounds have the same music - it's merry-go-round music. It never changes because it is perfect for the merry-go-round.

How many people like hearing a creepy powermad merry-go-round operator harrass a small child trapped on a horse? I'm guessing zero. And little Britney was truly trapped on the merry-go-round, because if the crazy operator didn't ring the bell, no one was allowed to get off. And, every ride at Busch Gardens has a fence around it that must be opened with a special key held by, in this case, the mentally-disturbed operator.

Surely this was not the experience you planned for your guests when you constructed this little bit of Europe in Virginia. I'm all for integrating the mentally challenged into society, but you can't put the bell in their hands. It's just too much power waiting to be abused.

Set the merry-go-round free!!

Love, Shannon

PS. If you see people with small children, please direct them towards the rides in Germany so they don't waste precious time and said children's good humor wandering the streets of London.


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