Sunday, July 02, 2006

The Gauntlet Has Been Thrown

It started innocently enough, when Lauren appeared in the living room looking for an after dinner treat. She declared that she wanted a corn muffin, and I, thinking that she was under the impression that the muffin in question was a sweet Otis Spunkmeyer cake rather than a Betty Crocker one that my mom had made, asked if she'd rather have the last piece of coffee cake instead.

Lauren informed me that she wanted a corn muffin, whatever kind it was, and while I was in the kitchen peeling off the wrapper and putting it on the plate, a coffee cake bargain (to split the last piece) was struck in the living room between Lauren and Grandpa. However, when I told them that I had bought a second coffee cake this evening when I went to buy milk, the once cheery sharing bargain turned into a coffee cake eating challenge scheduled for tomorrow morning.

Lauren immediately started talking smack to Grandpa, against my express advice, and Grandpa took seconds at dinner, confident that Lauren could be defeated no matter what he ate beforehand. Like all of you, I sit, on the edge of my seat, awaiting the results of tomorrow's contest. Finally, something to tide me over between World Cup matches.

Results and details to follow.


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