Monday, July 10, 2006


Daddy magically reappeared at the Baltimore Airport yesterday afternoon, and although he seems prone to dozing off at all hours (or shall I say still seems prone to dozing off at all hours), we are a happy little family again. In my typical super-organized fashion I forgot to bring my camera to the airport. Luckily my sister-in-law quickly provided me with a top of the line disposable one, so once the camera is done, developed, and put on a CD for me, I'll post some pictures of the happy reunion.

If I wasn't so tired and wearing noisy wind pants, I'd go find the digital camera and post the pictures of Marty's marker handprints (created while making the welcome home poster that is clearly depicted on photos that are still inside the disposable camera) all over the wall of the 5-month old retirement house walls. Unfortunately I am, so you will have to wait in anguished suspense until tomorrow.

By the way, couldn't someone have told me that I wrote that Marty was combined to his crib instead of confined to his crib? That's just mean, you know I am often distracted by my next cocktail and rushing through these posts.


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