Tuesday, September 05, 2006

First Day of School in Pictures

With the resolution on this photo, one might think that Marty was upset about his sisters going off to school. Actually, that is just his new, charming "picture face," that he trots out whenever he sees the camera.

Although it wasn't windy, Aislinn appeared to be walking around in her own private photo shoot, because every time I pulled out the camera, a breeze would blow through her hair.

Lauren was perfectly happy to meet her teacher at her new classroom (and pose with her slightly deranged brother).

Unfortunately, they didn't meet at the classroom, they met in a big gaggle where the buses unload (the kiddies got a ride today so that they could transport the enormous rest mat - see photo 1) and after about 20 minutes of standing around there, Lauren was having trouble keeping the nervousness at bay.

Although according to my calculations there must be 40 new boxes of tissues in Lauren's classroom this morning, I couldn't find one. Fortunately I had one crumpled yet generally clean tissue in my bag. With her enormous mispelled ("Lauran") backpack stowed and her seat at the table located, Lauren pulled it all together and kicked off kindergarten like a champ.

When the bus finally arrived 40 minutes late, I had just come back from my 3rd trip back to the house. Unfortunately, I had forgotten the camera until the final trip, so I did not capture any of Marty's 40 minute song and dance routine with repeated jumps from the bus stop bench. But at least I got pictures of the happy scholars.


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