Monday, September 11, 2006


The kiddies are a little late to the High School Musical party, since I read about it in the spring and they just saw it for the first time at the end of August. For those of you who don't know, its full of singing, dancing, singing, dancing, minor high school drama, and basketball. All three kiddies are wandering around the house singing their versions of the songs (and they know quite a bit considering they've only seen it a few times), calling each other by the character names, and reenacting their favorite scenes. Considering their obsession with music and penchant for drama, none of that really surprised me.

Here's what caught me off guard (no pun intended): Aislinn has become obsessed with basketball. Every day now she wants to go outside and shoot hoops in the "Grow to Pro" basket we got her for her 3rd birthday (I did raise it to 5 feet this week, but it had been at the same 3.5 foot height for 4 years). She's trying to organize a 2 on 2 tournament with Lauren, Marty, and one of the neighborhood kids (I'm not helping). When we went to Target to find some dark blue/black shorts for them to wear as play clothes (needed due to a sudden increase in black stains coming off the swings - origin unknown but I'm blaming Ernesto) I could only find boys shorts. Her reaction "I like those because they look like real basketball shorts."

I know this is likely a phase that will pass, but for now I'll just be glad that High School Musical inspired her to go play rather than to start gluing sequins on a wireless microphone.


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