Friday, September 08, 2006

Life With the Buddy Boy

8:09 am: Marty wakes up.
8:10 am: Marty declares he will not go to the bus stop.
8:10:15 am: Marty demands to go to the bus stop.
8:10:25 am: Marty declares he will not go to the bus stop because he won't wear shoes.
8:10:45 am: Marty screams that he wants to go to the bus stop.
8:11 am (as the bus comes into sight): Marty demands chocolate milk for the road.
8:11:15 am: Marty decides to leave his chocolate milk at home and drink it after the bus.


On the way back from the bus:

Marty: I want a ice krispy treat.

Mommy: That is a treat. It's time for breakfast.

Marty: I want an ice krispy treat.

Mommy: You can have one for a treat after lunch, but right now it is breakfast time.

Marty: I want an ice krispy treat for a snack.

Mommy: You can have one for a snack after lunch.

Marty: I want lunch.


At the playground:

Marty: Mommy, we're playing Winn Dixie. I'll be Oval (Opal) and you be Winn Dixie

Mommy: Okay.

Marty: Oh Winn Dixie, I'm so happy you're back. Let's go to Oval's house.

Mommy: Okay.

Marty: You're supposed to say WOOF.

Mommy: Woof.

Marty: Come on boy. Climb the ladder with me

Mommy: Dogs can't climb up the ladder.

Marty: You're supposed to say WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOFWOOF.


Marty (at the top of the playground): Come on Winn Dixie, let's go down the slide.

Mommy (having banged my back on the top of the spiral slide): Ouch.

Marty: You're supposed to say WOOF.


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