Friday, September 08, 2006

A New Challenge to My Authority

Over the past few weeks, I have noticed that Marty occasionally mentions someone named "Coachie," and for some reason, Coachie never seems to agree with what I'm saying.

For example:

Mommy: Marty, eat your dinner.

Marty: Coachie says never to eat any more dinner

Now, however, I don't just get the Coachie pronouncements second hand. If I make an unreasonable request like "Marty put that popsicle stick in the trash" or "Marty it is time for a rest," Marty grabs the closest inanimate object and dials Coachie up on the spot:

"Hi Coachie... Uh huh, uh huh, okay, Coachie, bye"

"Mom, Coachie says I can never put my popsicle stick in the trash"

"Hello, Coachie?? My mom says to take a nap. Okay, whatever you say Coachie. Bye"

"Mom, Coachie says to never take any more naps."

Then he gives me an expectant look as if to say "You heard it yourself. Are you really going to defy Coachie?"

Of course, I am. But today he went over Coachie's head and called the judge, who informed us that Marty does not need to finish his milk before he has a treat. I defied the judge too. I can only wonder who's next. The pope?


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