Monday, September 18, 2006

Queen of Kindergarten

Looking back over the recent posts, it seems that Lauren has not been getting her share of the attention. Part of this is because now Marty and I are always together. Part of this is because Lauren, having conquered Kindergarten in an impressive fashion, has a rather large attitude. We have been having regular disagreements over if/when she will do the things that I ask her. This attitude, coupled with her well-honed debate skills, absolutely exhausts me. Although she is still as sweet and funny as ever, sometimes I have trouble putting the latest tussle out of my head.

Today, however, she came home from school a little tired and a little sad. Apparently two boys told her that she was a "teeny tiny eyeball," which I guess is insulting, and then told her that the lettuce on her sandwich was all shriveled up. She had a bump on her head from falling and bumping her head "on the mulch." She sat on my lap while she ate her afternoon snack, and reminded me of the little bugaboo that she was just a short time ago (when she also didn't realize how much sleep she needed).

She talks such a good game, sometimes its hard to remember that she's only been around for five years. But she's tough, and ready to go back into the fray tomorrow.


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