Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Day Picnic

Today the girls left the house at 10:30 to check in with their new best friends down the street. Yesterday, my neighbor and I had talked about taking the kiddies on a picnic today. However, when I woke up this morning after a crappy night's sleep (thank you Marty) and saw that it was rather overcast outside and the forecast was for rain, I thought maybe the picnic would be cancelled.

When oh when will I ever learn?

When Marty and I finally arrived at the neighbors', the picnic preparations were in full swing. Since it wasn't actually raining and since it wasn't cold outside, I decided to trudge back to the house and make three turkey sandwiches, peel the last half a cucumber and last carrot, pull out the last 3 Capri Suns and surrender to the inevitable picnic.

I'm glad that I did. Good things about this picnic?
  • The playground where we held it has no swings.
  • The playground has a covered picnic area that is within eyeshot but almost out of earshot of the play equipment.
  • The picnic started so late that the kiddies were actually hungry and ate their lunches.
  • It's been so cold lately that their weren't any bugs.
  • The friends we brought with us were so entertaining that the kiddies forgot to check in with me every 90 seconds.

Other things about the picnic?

  • Aislinn collected a bunch of Heineken bottle caps from under the tables. She says she is going to make a snowman out of them, but I think that is the sort of snowman only her daddy would truly appreciate (note to self: make sure Heineken bottle caps are not in her book bag).
  • Marty actually at a turkey sandwich for the first time in over two months. He has eaten nothing but grilled cheese or mac-n-cheese for lunch since Labor Day.
  • Lauren actually wore long sleeves (after an extended argument) and a jacket and kept them on the whole time we were there.

Bad things about the picnic?

Although it started to rain when we were rather far from our car, and although
during the rain, Lauren and then Marty (like a pair of lemmings) slipped and fell from the same playground staircase, and although Marty missed his nap (not wise given the aforementioned crappy night's sleep), I'm going to say there were no bad things to report from the picnic.


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