Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Election Day Schedule

Some candidates probably find election day to be a long day. Let's see if they can top this:

12:00 - 12:48 - Quiet sleep (at the time, underappreciated)
12:48 - 3:30 - Attempt to quiet a crying Marty, make 5 different trips to his room and finally bring him into my bed
3:30 - 6:45 - Get repeatedly kicked and head butted by Marty
6:45 - Get rousted by girls who on the previous school day had to be rousted by me at 7:30
6:45 - 10:30 - Serve 3 rounds of breakfast, negotiate wardrobe with Lauren, boot girls out of house
10:30-11:15 - Bribe Marty with chocolate milk and internet access to let me take an uninterrupted shower
11:15-11:16 - Stand wistfully staring at bed and weigh repercussions of just lying down and napping
11:16-2:45 - Picnic and attendent activities
2:45 - 3:45 - Run home, grab voter card and grocery list (suspiciously doctored by Aislinn), run to vote (Marty takes a 48 second nap that begins just as we park at the polling place) and hit the commissary (since our house is without any food that one might find in the produce section)
3:45-4:45 - Homework
4:45-6:15 - Baths, dinner, treats, get ready and leave for CCD
6:30-7:30 - Bath for Marty, CCD for girls
7:30 - 8:00 - Pick up girls from CCD, get jammies on, teeth brushed, books read
8:00 - 8:15 - Discussions with Lauren regarding the fine points of the construction of the (6-year-old) "What Makes A Rainbow" story book
8:20 - Freedom and Chardonnay


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