Monday, November 06, 2006

Why Can't I Watch 8:00 TV Shows?

Exhibit A: I am lying down with Lauren, having read her book, fixed her covers and kissed her good night.

Lauren: Can I ask you one more question?

Mommy: No

Lauren: Please, just one more thing and I promise I’ll go to sleep.

Mommy: What is it?

Lauren: How long is the night?

Mommy: 12 hours

Lauren: How long is the day?

Mommy: (…)

Lauren: Please, just one more thing and I promise I’ll go to sleep

Mommy: (…)

Lauren: Please, just one more thing and I promise I’ll go to sleep

Mommy: (…)

Lauren: PLEASE?

Mommy: This is the last thing. If you say anything else I’m leaving.

Lauren: Okay, I promise. How long is the day?

Mommy: 12 hours

Lauren: What happens if the night is longer than 12 hours?

Mommy: Good night Lauren

After I climb to the top bunk, confiscate Aislinn's books and lie down with her, it starts again.

Lauren: What happens if the night is longer than 12 hours?

Mommy: Go to sleep

Lauren: What happens if the night is longer than 12 hours?

Mommy: Go to sleep

Lauren: Please, just one more thing and I promise I’ll go to sleep

Mommy: What

Lauren: What happens if the night is longer than 12 hours?

Mommy: If the night is longer than the daytime is shorter. Good night.

Lauren: How does the daytime know to be shorter?

Mommy: Pass the Benadryl (or mallet) please.


Blogger Becky said...

Melatonin is the answer!!! Oh, I know this one!!

No know side effects.


Makes a person sleepy but not drugged...

We all take one in this house!

(available at GNC in 1 & 3 mg. I get the 1 mg and cut them in half and it works GREAT!!!!!! That's what the Dr said to do...)

12:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if Ben secretly reads your blog? The other night (I guess technically morning since it was about 3am) he asked me why God made night so long....

11:52 PM  

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