Monday, October 30, 2006

Autumn for the Feebleminded

This morning after I had unloaded all of the children, I started straightening up the house for the arrival of Grandmom and PopPop. I went to the closet to get a roll of paper towels, and there on top of the paper towels was a grocery bag with two boxes of halloween cookies that I had bought for Lauren's classroom Fall Party. I looked at them for a moment, unable to determine what day the party was, what day today was, and what I should do with said boxes of cookies.

I made my way to the calendar where I was unable to determine what day it was. Is today the 23rd? She's got a field trip? Oh, wait, the field trip was last week. What is today? Finally, after a length of time that makes me wonder if I should seek a referral for a CAT scan, I realized that the cookies were due today. I immediately grabbed my keys and headed out the door, because while I knew the party was not in the morning, I was afraid if I didn't remove the cookies from my responsibility I'd forget about them again.

In the car I looked at the clock and began to panic. Where did the morning get to? How was I going to get the house straightened up and take a shower and go buy milk in the time left before I picked up Marty? I went to sign in at the office and after staring at the clock (for a length of time that makes me sure I should seek a referral for a CAT scan) it finally dawned on me that I had not reset the clock in my car for Daylight Savings time. I am not a morning person, and these sorts of mental gymnastics are well beyond my capabilities before noon.

When Lauren arrived home, I asked how the party was, and she told me it was fun. As I emptied her backpack, I took out the pretzels that I had packed her for a snack (unneccessarily it turns out because of the forgotten Fall party) .

Mommy (the joker): Whoa, weren't you hungry? I'm going to put these right back in your bag for tomorrow's snack.

Lauren: Oh, I don't need a snack for tomorrow either. We're going to have the cookies you brought in because my teacher forgot all about them during the party.

It's so gratifying when all the hard work pays off.


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