Thursday, October 26, 2006

The Cute Boy

Almost every day I feel compelled to ask Marty, "Why are you so cute?" He usually answers, "Because I'm so cute," or "Because I'm a big boy," but still I wonder how so much cuteness could have been crammed into such a cute little package.

Today after his usual ritual of eating breakfast, playing "Wah wah dollhouse" (where I am instructed to make the dollhouse babies cry continually while he has the mom and dad run around and solve all the problems), and watching the Okgo videos on the computer, I asked him if he wanted to make some brownies to send to Daddy for his birthday. He eagerly agreed, hopped up on the stepstool, and began reading the ingredient pictures off of the back of the box. Because I've learned my lesson, we made the chewy kind since they require fewer eggs. This time Marty didn't throw the shell in the bowl though. He cracked it on the counter and then put it right in my hand.

Later, he told me he wanted to watch the "Daddy movie" which is a video of the HP reading books to the kiddies. I said okay, and as I was attempting to put it on, Marty announced, "Yeah, the daddy movie, I want to tell him we made brownies."

I know that somewhere in his little mind he must know that daddy can't hear him, but nevertheless when daddy's face came on the screen and said "Hi guys!" Marty looked right at him and said "Daddy, we made you some brownies." He turned to me with a devilish smirk on his face and then sat down to watch the tape. Later, when the HP was addressing some remarks to the girls Marty said, in his most exasperated voice, "Daddy, the girls are at school."

After the movie he ate his lunch.

Then he decided he wanted to eat the brownies.

He's planning to make some more for Daddy later.

He is so stinking cute.


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