Friday, October 13, 2006

What This House Needs Is Someone Who Wakes Up Early

This morning for the first time since the HP left, we all overslept and missed the bus. We didn't miss the bus in a "Oh my God! The bus! THE BUS!!! RUN! RUUUNNNN!!!" sort of way, but in a "We'll never make the bus, I'll drive you to school today (sigh)" sort of way.

I woke up at 6:30 this morning, looked at the clock, attempted to identify the child next to me ("Hmm, soccer shirt, must be Aislinn - no she's was wearing pink pajamas, must be Lauren") and promptly fell back asleep. I was having a most annoying dream where some punk kid with a huge box of crayons was coloring all over a brand new playground. My sister Erin said we should go get the principal, so we walked like a half mile back to the school to get him, and then headed back to the playground where the punk kid was now throwing sand and gave me a look like "There is not one thing you can say that will make me feel bad about what I'm doing or that I haven't heard a million times before." Suddenly, in the background I began to hear Marty singing a song from High School Musical, and thankfully, it woke me up (Is it really fair that I have dreams about an antagonizing punk kid I don't even know? Although I'm glad I didn't dream about one of my kids giving me that look...). Now the clock said 7:53.

The bus can come any time between 8:10 and 8:25, but I decided not to push it. I wanted the kids to have enough time to complete their morning routine of not eating their breakfast, not drinking their milk, and not being able to find their shoes. I dropped them off with 8 minutes to spare, and even with their slowest stride, I think they probably made it to their classrooms on time.

Some people might think another 5 hour car trip today would be a bad idea, given the level of exhaustion in our house. Luckily, I am not one of those people.


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