Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A Busy Afternoon

Today when Lauren got off the bus, it was clear that she had recently been crying. When I asked her what was wrong, Aislinn informed me that Lauren was upset that she had too many things to do after school.

Mommy: What do you have to do?

Lauren: I have to go to CiCi's pizza and I have to go to CCD.

Mommy: We're going to CiCi's pizza for dinner. We always have dinner so that's not really extra. If you don't want to go to CCD you don't have to. You can start another time.

Lauren (still weepy): Okay.

When we got into the house, she headed straight for her bedroom and took off her shoes. I told her not to change into play clothes because we were going to dinner in an hour. As I was saying this, she climbed into her bed and fell into a drooling coma.

An hour later I spent 10 minutes rousting her and drying the sweat off her little head. I managed to get her to the pizza fundraiser and although she was cold from getting out of her warm snuggly bed, she ate a good dinner. On the way home, she announced that she was feeling better and was ready to go to CCD. I was rather skeptical, but I took her and she surprised me, participating right off the bat and even forgetting I was there occasionally.

Tonight when she walked out of her bedroom (to tell me she couldn't sleep, surprise surprise) she looked suspiciously taller. So I guess growing was another one of the things she needed to do today after school.

(And I'm really glad that she cheered up, because I didn't want to be brought down on the day I got to make a solo visit to another holy place - DSW)


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