Sunday, November 05, 2006

Weekend Update

This was a weekend to lay low, cancel plans, and annoy my sister Erin. Fortunately, now the buddy boy is feeling much better, not so snotty and much less coughing. The sad and now faceless jack-o-lanterns have been put in the trash (and I cringe to think what the squirrelrats will be eating out there tomorrow morning). They even carried away one of the pumpkin lids. How is that possible?

On Saturday we drove 8 dozen chocolate chip cookies to the school for the bake sale at the fall festival. Marty and I waited in the car while the girls delivered them and then we all went home. 45 degrees is too cold for a fall festival, a winter carnival maybe. We did not go to the zoo to see the new Asia trail. We probably will not get to see it any time soon, because I don't know how the HP will feel about participating in those family sleepovers we've been having in Erin's studio apartment. (Of course next year when Erin is married and living in a house, we'll be such regulars she'll probably rue the day she ever gave us her address.)

Someone is coughing in the back now, and I'm betting its Aislinn, completing the five-day cold trifecta. Fortunately, she loves medicine, so I am not anticipating taking any second hand.


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