Thursday, June 01, 2006

The Only Audience Our Boy Needs

Mommy: It's time to come in now Marty

Marty (in song as always): And you can stay at my house...

Mommy: Come on Marty, let's go inside

Marty: And you can run in the sprinkle if you want to...

Mommy: It's time to go dry off Marty

Marty: And you can come to my house...

Mommy: Come on now Marty, we need to go start dinner

Marty: Pants and shorts, pants and shorts, pants and shorts...

Mommy: Marty, what are you doing?

Marty: And you can get all wet if you want to...

Mommy: Marty, stop singing it's time to go inside

Marty (in absolute exasperation): Mommy, I need to finish my song.

Mommy (in absolute exasperation): Okay, hurry and finish up then

Marty: And you can take care of a baby if you want to...

Mommy: That's very nice

Marty: My shadow likes my singing.


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