Wednesday, May 24, 2006

I'm Going on a Picnic...At the Loony Bin

After a delightful pasta dinner at Roma Ristorante, we all piled into the car for the 5 minute ride home. Here’s what happened:

Grandmom: Alright, I promised Lauren we’d play “going on a picnic.” I’ll go first. I’m going on a picnic and I’m going to bring apples.

Aislinn: I’m going to bring bananas

PopPop: C – I’ll bring cocaine

Grandmom: Bob…

PopPop: Ooh, sorry, shhh

Marty: I’m bringing Toy Story jellies

PopPop: That doesn’t start with C

Lauren: How about carrots?

Aislinn: How about chocolate chip cookies?

Lauren: D – I’ll bring donuts

Marty: I’m bringing Toy Story jellies.

Mommy: E- Eclairs

Grandmom: F – Fritos

Marty: I’ll bring a pumpkin treat for C

Aislinn: G- Googies! (Grandmom's childhood word for eggs, taught to the kiddies by Auntie Kate)

Grandmom: Googies! I’m going to get that Kate. What for G Lauren?

Lauren: I said grapes

Marty: Let’s play thinking of a color

Grandmom: H for Aislinn

Mommy: I bet you’re going to say hotdogs

Marty: Let’s play thinking of a color

Aislinn: No, I’m bringing a hobo on a hot dog

Marty: I’m bringing pumpkin treat for C. Grandmom, let’s play thinking of a color.

Grandmom: Okay Marty is it red?

Marty: No.

PopPop: I’m bringing ice cream for I

Grandmom: Is it blue?

Marty: No.

Mommy: J for Juice

Grandmom: I’ll bring a kite for us to play with. Is it green?

Marty: No.

Lauren: I’ll bring lettuce and lemonade

Aislinn: No Lauren, you should bring lots of money so you can by a treat

Lauren: No, I said lettuce and lemonade

Aislinn: But if you brought lots of money…

Mommy: Aislinn, you are M, you bring money

Grandmom: I give up Marty, what is it?

Marty: My favorite color is round with stripes on it and one polka dot

Mommy: What color is that Marty?

Marty: Peach.

PopPop: I’ll bring narcotics.

Grandmom: Bob…

PopPop: Okay, N for nachos

Mommy: O for Oreos.

Grandmom: P for popcorn. Q, Lauren how about quiche?

Lauren: No, I’ll bring a queen.

Aislinn: R – Rum cake!

Marty: Let’s play the rhyming game. Mommy, know what rhymes with head?

Marty: Mommy, know what rhymes with head?

Marty: Mommy, know what rhymes with head?

Mommy: What Marty.

Marty: Said.

Grandmom: Who has S?

Marty: Mommy, know what rhymes with our house?

Mommy: What Marty.

Marty: Sour Souse. Mommy, know what rhymes with car?

Mommy: What Marty.

Marty: Sar. Mommy, know what rhymes with dog?

Mommy: What Marty.

Marty: Sog. Mommy, know what rhymes with road?

Mommy: What Marty.

Marty: Soad.


Mommy: I guess Marty’s got the S.


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