Monday, May 15, 2006

The Mother's Day Loot

Although this mother's day was spent without a husband around to orchestrate the activities, I did come through with a pretty sizeable haul:

From the HP: Flowers that are quite nice although I don't know what they are

From my sister-in-law: a lovely green Coach wallet with a wrist strap

From Marty: A handprint card; a hilarious 15 minute floor show where he mercilessly hounded my sister Erin for some of her milkshake.

From Lauren: A bouquet of flowers made out of coffee filters and pipe cleaners; a painted card; a card with a flower made out of a muffin wrapper; a Hello Kitty card that she instructed me to buy without looking at it; a little plant in a little jar that she decorated herself.

From Aislinn: A book of mother's day coupons (that I can use in about 5 years, when she is strong enough to turn on the hose herself and wash the car); a "Greatest Mom in the World" laminated award; a blue construction paper card and a flower card with MOM poems inside; a bookmark with her picture on it; a Clifford certificate stating I am very talented at reading.

From Erin: Free lunch at Ruby Tuesday's; 90 minutes to watch Sunday Morning; 90 minutes to read the paper; baths for all three kids.

Thanks everybody, it was a great day.


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