Monday, May 08, 2006

When I Say "Chicken Patty!!" You Say ???

What word leaps to mind when you see this dinner?

Quick? Semi-nutritious? Carb-loading?

For some reason, in our house, the word is always "chopsticks."

Following this dinner, Aislinn got out the dustbuster to clean up the rice she had spilled, took her plate and cup to the kitchen and washed them, and then asked if she could do the other dishes. She also asked if she could take her bath first and then give the other two their baths. The puzzled look on my face prompted her to say “You do things for me all day, so I want to do some things for you.” Later in the evening she straightened up the living room and the kitchen. I know I didn’t get much sleep last night (thanks to Keisha’s boyfriend), but I must look so exhausted, that even a 6 year old felt compelled to help me. What can I say except: “Yay Aislinn!!!”

In other news, when Lauren, using her “British” accent, asked me what she could do to help, I said “Drink your milk.” Her answer: “Straightaway!” Who taught her that? She couldn’t tell me. While she drank her milk, Marty attempted to teach me a game where you crawl past the sofa then run headlong across the room and into the recliner. He was quite surprised when I passed.


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