Monday, May 22, 2006


Our little Marty has become quite adept at working the computer mouse. I know it is easy to train children to perform like little monkeys (hence the kids on the Late Show who can name all 43 presidents), but we have never really had that sort of ambition for our kids. Basically we made the mistake of letting the girls use the computer, and after a few months of sitting and watching them play, Marty decided to teach himself what to do. He can navigate between games and jump from Noggin to Nick Jr. and back again. When a box pops up, he doesn't hesitate, he just starts typing stuff and when the box is full hits enter. The title of this post is a search he performed on Google (strangely there were no results).

He can't start Explorer on his own (yet) and he can't type his name (yet) but it is nice to see he is so ambitious. Hopefully he will be this interested in learning when he finally gets to school.


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