Wednesday, May 31, 2006

United We Sing! OH OH OH OH!

Lauren's last day of preschool coincided with Aislinn's final performance of the year. She was part of a musical called "United We Sing." I managed to get everyone bathed, fed, and out the door to make sure Aislinn got there on time. She looked adorable, but in the end, her music teacher ended up accidentally eliminating lines from 14 kids, including Aislinn - it was more of a concert than a musical. Nevertheless, Lauren and Marty enjoyed themselves, and all the way home (literally, I'm talking 15 minutes worth) Marty sang his version of the lyrics:

"When I hear you sing! OH OH OH OH!"
"When I hear you sing! OH OH OH OH!"
"When I hear you sing! OH OH OH OH!"
"When I hear you sing! OH OH OH OH!"
"When I hear you sing! OH OH OH OH!"
"When I hear you sing! OH OH OH OH!"


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