Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day Weekend

Memorial Day weekend was pretty much a blur for me, since I spent a great deal of time sleeping, reading, or enjoying a cold cocktail and expecting other people to keep an eye on the kiddies. Here are a few stats for the weekend:

Trips out to lunch: 1

Trips to the Pool: 3

Trips to the beach: 1

Trips to the beach cancelled due to excessive fog: 1

Snowcones: 3

Boxes of Froot Loops consumed: 1.5

Largest Dinner Crowd: 13

Number of Days Aislinn made everyone’s bed: 3

Number of times Marty carried puzzles out to the porch: 50

Number of times Marty carried puzzles back inside: 0

Number of times a grinning Lauren went end to end in the pool wearing water wings: 15

Number of times I managed to take out my camera to record the hijinks: 0


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