Wednesday, May 24, 2006

More Domestic Unrest Caused by Tic Tacs

From the kitchen this afternoon, I heard Marty running down the hall, and then heard him say "I hear something."

The next thing I know he has pushed open the bathroom door where his grandmother is using the facilities.

Marty: Grandmom, I hear some tic tacs. Do you have some tic tacs Grandmom? Do you have some tic tacs in your pocket Grandmom?

Grandmom (in the manner of a very good sport): Just give me a minute Marty and I will give you a tic tac.

Seconds later:

Marty: Mommy, Grandmom just gived me some tic tacs, a red one and a green one. Here Mommy, you eat the red one. You eat the red one, Mommy

Mommy: Marty I really don't..

Marty: Shoving the sweaty red tic tac into my mouth, and then putting his five red fingertips on my pants leaving quite the pawprint): There you go mommy! Grandmom's sharing with me and I'm sharing with you!


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