Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Want Some Appreciation? Just Ask

This week is Teacher/Staff Appreciation week at school. That's fine. I appreciate all good teachers for having skills that I most certainly lack (such as infinite patience with children that they have no parental obligation to). Last year I happily brought my donation to the Teacher's Appreciation Lunch, but apparently that was not enough. This year the girls came home with a list of tasks for Teacher week.

Yesterday we (and every child in the school) were supposed to send a flower, which was fine because I have a lot of flowers in the house from Cinqo de Mayo/Derby weekend. Today we were supposed to send a piece of fruit, which was fine except I forgot the fruit until I saw some kid with an orange at the bus stop and the bus was almost there. I had planned to send them each with a lime, because we also have plenty of limes in the house from Cinqo de Mayo/Derby weekend. I know a lime might seem a bit strange, but it was technically a fruit, and how many apples can one woman eat anyway? Thursday we are supposed to send a book (new or used) and Friday, a candy bar.

Tomorrow, however, we are supposed to send a note of appreciation - not the kiddies, the parents- to the teacher. Here I must draw the line. I send in notes of appreciation to the (deserving) teachers and resource teachers and even the bus driver every year at the end of the year. I will not be directed to write thank you notes at my age. And what about the teachers? Isn't it a little embarrassing to get coerced thank you notes?

Friday I also get to send in a dessert for the teacher appreciation lunch. I will make it from scratch, just like the soup, and send it in like a note to show I really do appreciate the teachers.


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