Monday, March 05, 2007

So, Where's Lauren Been?

Lauren's little friends down the street each have a Nintendo DS and a game where you can raise a dog and teach it tricks. She LOVES this game. I have given some thought to getting her a Nintendo (and have plenty more time to think about it since her birthday is not until September) and a dog game, but her last book order had a computer game called Fetch listed for $14.95. I'm no math major, but that seemed a lot cheaper than the $150 Nintendo game, so I bought it for her.

It is quite possibly, the most boring game ever invented. She absolutely loves it. She has told me a few times that it is not as good as the Nintendo, but still she plays it every day, and talks about the dogs on the game as if they are her own.

Also, in the past two weeks she has come into our room twice in the middle of the night, crying and saying that she has a headache. Each time we gave her some Advil and water, and then she fell asleep while I spent the next 2 hours wondering if she had meningitis. Each time, when we asked her how she was the next morning she said "Good" and looked at us as if we had three heads.

Eventually we noticed that her voice was a little nasally and she started to complain about her ears, so I finally took her to the doctor who diagnosed her with no visible illness. He gave her some ear drops and she really enjoyed going to school with the cotton in her ear. I think I now have what she had - the world's weirdest cold where your head and ears get all stuffed but your nose doesn't run.

So between Fetch and the cold, she hasn't spent much time charming me with anecdotes to post here. Rest assured, she is the cute bugaboo she's always been.


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