Friday, February 09, 2007

Every Which Way But Out

I can still vividly remember the sensation of my top front tooth coming out. I won't attempt to explain it here, since as we have repeatedly told Aislinn, everyone's front teeth come out. Her front teeth have been very loose and wiggly for over a month, and yet she refuses to work at getting them out, and runs from the room whenever we ask for a shot at them.

Unfortunately, her short stint as a shark has convinced her that the best way to get teeth out is to sit in a dentist chair, shot up with Novocaine and watching Shrek while the dentist wriggles them out. She has decided that she is going to try to hold onto her front teeth until April when she is scheduled to go back to the dentist. We have several issues with that plan, one of which is that professional loose tooth wriggling rings in at about $20 at tooth, and we really don't want to find ourselves shelling out $400 over the course of her baby teeth for services that nature is willing to provide for free.

Another problem is that her teeth are not just loose, they are shifting and moving all over the place. She is starting to look a bit like the hillbilly she might have become had we stayed in Kentucky. Instead of the exquisitely cute girl you see in the banner above, she is beginning to look a bit like this:

One of her little friends recently lost her two front teeth during some game where her sister accidentally kicked her in the face. I'm thinking of having them over for a round of whatever that was to get this show on the road. I suppose it is some consolation that she'll be at the dentist and the teeth will be out one way or another before her next big photo opportunity in May (First Communion), but I think that $40 would do more for her in her college fund than the dentist's till.


Blogger Becky said...

I'll just send Teresa over. I have seen Teresa pull her own teeth (3 in 2 days once) AND those of other children. I'm not kidding. I looked over on the playground once to see Teresa reach inside a little girl's mouth and pull out her tooth.

Good luck with that...

9:00 PM  

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