Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Give Me An "A!!" (for ADD!)

Marty has a new interest in making letters with his body, a la drunken Eagles fans at the Vet. He is pretty good with the Y, T, X, and O, but some of his other positions leave me rather puzzled as to which alphabet he's using. Anyway, I wasn't too surprised the other day when I was sitting on the couch with my legs bent to the side and he said

Marty: Look Mommy, this is an A

Mommy (looking down at the angle of my legs): Yeah, and if I put my arm like this (across the angle)...

Marty: Yep, that's an A ...

I sat for a second and considered trying to come up with another letter to show him when he continued...

Marty: Yeah, and this is a gorilla!! (pounding his chest, jumping around, generally acting like... well, a gorilla) Oooo Oooo! Can I have a banana? Oooo Oooo!


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