Monday, November 27, 2006

Let's Catch Up

November 22:
Marty and I took, Auntie Kate and Grandmom and PopPop to Lauren's kindergarten Thanksgiving lunch. So that the experience wouldn't be too unfamiliar to Marty, a monsoon was arranged so we had to slog through the puddles like we did the week before at lunch. Neither child of mine was willing to eat the fried chicken, but Lauren was delighted by the canned corn and canned green beans. She was brought to tears by the sweetened iced tea (as was I and the rest of our party. Marty's kool aid was less sweet than the tea). We sprung Aislinn and took the whole family home for a delightful afternoon of hiding from the weather.

November 23:
Thanksgiving day was lovely, though frigid and wet.

November 24:
We all headed to Richmond for lunch with some cousins and a trip to the Duck Pin bowling lanes. Unfortunately, the lanes were closed. Fortunately, the weather had miraculously cleared so instead we headed to Maymont Park for a little hiking and animal observing.

November 25:
I chain Auntie Kate to my shed and will not free her until she has cleaned and organized at least half of it. Within 2 hours she has completed a chore that I have spent the past year avoiding.

November 26:
Most notable event: trip to Baskin-Robbins/Dunkin Donuts where Aislinn, Marty, and I had ice cream and Lauren had a pumpkin muffin. After I tasted it I could do nothing but weigh the pros and cons of buying every last pumpkin muffin in the place and stashing them in my freezer. Even now I feel a little bit of panic knowing that the pumpkin muffins are only a temporary addition and soon will be unavailable. Maybe I should go get I shouldn't...maybe I I really can't....

November 27:
The HP calls from Turkey, so we know he is finally on his way home. Because I am so funny, I e-mail everyone with the question: How is the HP like the Pope? My answer was: He's in Turkey. Some of the other answers included,"he likes to put funny looking things on his head and likes to sing in Latin," "I hear he can also celebrate mass in Latin," and "he's lived in Germany ....and would wear a long white robe if it were fashionable (ala Homer Simpson in his muumuu)"

That's it for now. The kiddies and I are working on a secret project, but I can't post it because the HP may be lurking around online somewhere on his layovers or during his out processing in Georgia. Stay-tuned (I'll try to keep up with the posting).


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