Monday, February 05, 2007

How Not to Increase Your TV Time

Tearful Marty, placing hand on my knee: Mommy, I don't want to die.

Mommy: What?

Marty: I don't want to die. Aislinn said if I knock over that lamp the house will explode.

Mommy: The house will not explode. You shouldn't be playing with the lamp, but the house will not explode if you knock it over. Aislinn?

Aislinn: ... (smirk and shrug)

Mommy: Aislinn, don't tell your brother that. The house will not explode if he knocks over the lamp.

Aislinn: Well that's what I saw happen on TV.

Is this true SpongeBob? Hannah Montana? Who is blowing up houses with toppling lamps? We are about to beat a hasty retreat to Noggin and PBS if this sort of behavior continues.


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