Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Unloose Tooth

On Monday of Memorial Day Weekend, as we were buckling seat belts and getting ready to drive home, Aislinn informed me that she felt like she had two sets of front teeth. When I looked in her mouth, sure enough one of her permanent teeth was coming in. A rather lazy permanent tooth since it couldn't be bothered to push out the baby teeth the way it was supposed to. Since Aislinn is not a shark and should not have more than one row of teeth, I took her to the dentist this morning to find out what we should do. Since I am not that bright, I took Lauren and Marty with me, figuring they could get to know the office so when it was their turn to go they wouldn't be as nervous.

I was expecting the dentist to take an x-ray and then determine what to do next. Instead he took a quick glance inside her mouth and said "Yep, that happened to one of my daughters too. We'll need to take out those two front teeth. Should we do it now?" I asked him how he was going to get the teeth out, and he said he would give her some novacaine, rub some gel on her gums, and then wiggle the teeth out. I had no idea teeth could be removed so easily (and I hope there are no frat boys out there being inspired by this story).

Anyway, since I had nutjobs #2 and #3 with me, I had to take them back to the waiting room and leave Aislinn to fend for herself. How did she take it? No crying, no cringing, no wincing, and no complaining. I think she even impressed the dentist with how stoic she was. I felt so bad about abandoning her that I was ready to let her stay home from school if she asked. But after we'd been home 30 minutes and her gums stopped bleeding, she started gathering up her stuff and asked me to take her to school.

So here I must lay to rest Aislinn's reputation as a drama queen. I'll admit she liked the shock value of telling her friends about the double extraction and I'll admit she may tend towards drama when nothing is at stake, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty, our little Aislinn is all grown up and tough as nails.


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