Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Sightseeing - Entropy Style

On 395, heading into the city:

Mommy: Look guys, there’s the Washington Monument, the Lincoln Memorial, the Capitol...

Lauren: I’ve already seen those before.

On Key Bridge:

Mommy: Look over there, see all of those brick buildings with pointy roofs?

Aislinn: Yeah

Mommy: That’s Georgetown

Lauren: Curious Georgetown?

Marty: Where’s Curious George?

Mommy: No George TOWN, it’s a big college. Grandpa went to law school there. Do you see it?

Lauren: I see someone wearing safety green.

At Tenley Circle:

Mommy: See that big tan building right there? That’s where I went to high school.

Lauren: Was your teacher’s name Miss Doody?

Mommy: No. I had lots of teachers, some of them were nuns and some of them were just regular ladies.

Aislinn: Did the nuns slap you?

Mommy: What?

Aislinn: My CCD teachers says that nuns used to always slap everyone who was being bad.

Thank goodness she’s learning so much about the important aspects of our religion.

On Memorial Bridge heading home:

Mommy (to myself): Look there’s the Lee Mansion, I went on a field trip there when I was in school.

Aislinn (in my head): Just like Lee in my class

Lauren (in my head): What’s the pee mansion?

Marty (in my head): I need to go potty

Mommy (out loud): We’re back in Virginia now.

On 395:

Mommy: See that big building Aislinn? That’s the pentagon. Have you ever heard of that?

Aislinn: Yeah. I mean no.

Mommy: That’s where the head of the whole Army works

Aislinn: The USA Army

Mommy: Yes, Daddy’s Army

Aislinn: How many sides does it have?

Mommy: Why don’t we all just be quiet for a while.


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