Wednesday, June 07, 2006

When Words Failed Marty

After the slip and slide fun the kids went to play on the trampoline. Unfortunately, Marty was playing too roughly and the girls decided to get down. I think Marty felt bad because he didn't realize that he was being too rough and when the girls left him it hurt his feelings. Also, apparently he was thirsty. Unfortunately, he couldn't figure out how to tell me all of that, which brought about the following episode:

Aislinn (weeping): Mommy, Marty stepped on me and kicked me in the eye

Me: I'm sure it was an accident. Let me finish cleaning off the slip and slide and I'll talk to him.

After I managed to get the slip and slide draped over the fence and hosed off, I headed over to the neighbor's yard, where I met Sydney coming the gate.

Sydney: Marty keeps grabbing my wrist and pulling me

Me: Okay, I'll talk to him.

I continued over to the trampoline where Marty was now standing alone in his bathing suit singing to himself.

Me: Marty, are you being nice to the girls?

Marty: Yes.

Me: Did you kick Aislinn in the eye?

Marty: Umm, no.

Me: Are you pulling on Sydney?

Marty: Umm, yeah.

Me: Now all the girls got down because you are being too rough. You have to be nice to the girls if you want them to stay and play with you.

Marty (bursting into tears): Mommy, you are telling me all these things

Me: You don’t want me to tell you what you did wrong

Marty (looking unconsolable with huge tears running down his cheeks): Now one bathing suit boy is crying on the trampoline

Me: I know Marty, I don't want you to cry, but you have to be nice to the other kids on the trampoline

Marty (continuing to cry): All the guys got off the trampoline and it’s not fair

Me: Do you want to get down?

Marty (sobbing, sobbing, sobbing): No, its not fair and you are telling me all these things

Me: Come here Marty, stop crying…

Marty (tearily): No, I’m not coming there, one bathing suit boy is crying. I’m a saddy boy.

Me: Marty, just come here…

Marty (wiping his eyes and sniffing): No, all the girls left and that’s not fair

Me: Do you want to go play on the playground with them?

Marty (sad and angry all at once): No, I’m not

Me: Marty…

Marty (as if he's had a sudden revelation): Do we have any orange juice?

Me: Yes, we have orange juice

Marty (smiling): Okay, I’m going to go inside and have some orange juice in a BIG cup

Me: Okay Marty, come here and we'll go get some juice.


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